Many suppliers in the automotive industry and other branches of industry maintain a veritable CAD system menagerie to ensure that they can deliver their data in the system version and format required by the customer. Not only purchasing and maintaining different systems and system configurations costs money but also training users – money that you can save with our cloud-based data conversion and data transfer service.
Automatic data conversion
We automatically convert your data to the OEM-specific environment and offer you additional services such as quality control for the 3D models and 2D drawings.
Conversion of features and parametric information
In cooperation with Elysium, we also offer you the conversion of parametric information and features to make the data easier to use in downstream processes.
Automatic or manual data transfer
When it comes to transferring data, we are able to offer you our secure data exchange solution OpenDXM GlobalX, which you can use without any installation overhead.
Data migration support
Our extensive data conversion know-how means that we can also provide you with support in the context of migrating your CAD and PLM data when switching to a new system.
Managing your system landscape
If you like, we can also assume responsibility for installing and maintaining your CAD and PLM infrastructures, and we ensure that your system landscape has the release status specified by the OEM.
Do you work with a CAD system that is different to the one used by your customers but need to provide the CAD data in the native formats of the customers' systems? Our premium CAD data conversion service guarantees complete and correct conversion of your CAD data into the formats and system configurations required by your customers. Our experts analyze any errors that occur during geometry transfer and eliminate them in consultation with your design engineers.
Do you need to import your CAD models directly into your customers' PLM/PDM system? No problem. We find out what your customers' import criteria are and adapt your models accordingly, i.e. we add metadata such as material definition, information on the center of gravity and release status. We can also adapt the assembly structures, as well as the positioning of components and their names.
Would you like to make sure that the CAD models you provide exhibit a high level of quality and integrity so that you are given a positive supplier assessment and ensure the long-term success of your customer relationship? We guarantee a consistently high level of quality of the data provided by working in accordance with the four-eyes principle and checking the data for geometry errors before it is sent. We use professional checking tools to verify the conformity of your data with your customers' guidelines.
Do you need to supply associative drawings in native CAD formats to VW, Ford, Honda or General Motors? We create the required associative 2D drawings from your 3D models based on templates that you provide. We pay particular attention to ensuring compliance with established CAD standards. If you would like the entire process performed from a single source, you are welcome to use our premium service for CAD data conversion for preparation of the 3D models.
Are you developing components for Ford and need to save your CAD models directly in the Teamcenter PLM system even though you are not certified to do this? As a Certified Data Service Provider (CDSP), we have direct access to Ford's Teamcenter databases worldwide and are allowed to process development data in the Ford environment. We use OpenDXM GlobalX's cloud service for secure data exchange between your company and If required, we can convert your data into Ford's CAD format and create associative drawings according to the FECDS standard.
In the early development phase, speed is more important than ensuring the highest possible level of data quality. Would you like to be able to quickly view your development partners' CAD data without having to use the native CAD system, or would you like to save the geometry for the installation space that has been approved by your customers in your PDM/PLM system? We convert your CAD data quickly, automatically and cost-effectively into neutral formats such as JT, PDF, TIFF, and CGM, or into a native CAD format that you specify. You can also use the neutral formats to archive your CAD data.
Do you have any questions about our cloud services, would you like to find out more about the solutions we offer, or are you looking for an opportunity to work with us as a partner?
Then I look forward to hearing from you!
Sergej Bondar